
Digital | Retail | Experiential

Verizon was opening a new Destination Store in the heart of Chicago—a 10,000+ square-foot interactive playground that lets shoppers actually try out innovative smart gear. 

I worked on various experiences throughout the Destination Store, teaming up with brilliant people—from designers and writers to tech and UX to motion and illustrators. Here's the store in a nutshell.

But perhaps the most fun was the Atrium Wall, which I co-led. It features a 40-foot screen that can be seen and experienced even from the outside of the store.

For the wall, we worked with the Chicago History Museum and collected photos that were nothing short of captivating. From there, we created five immersive videos that guide viewers through some of Chicago's greatest innovations throughout history.

Sure, you can listen to the audio in the store. But you can also listen to it from the outside using a mobile-first site—the development of which I also co-led.

While in Chicago, I ate this dog, which was delicious.